Friday, October 24, 2008

Palin's Clothes

Big news!!!

Governor Sarah Palin was taken on a shopping spree for new clothes!!!

Hey...are you people really concerned about who shops where and who pays???

Frankly...I don't give a rats ass. I also don't care that while her husband is talking about people in America starving Mrs. Obama is sitting some where having champagne and caviar.

Let's get this issue on the table. These are politicians we are talking about. They are used to talking out of both sides of their mouths. They are used to telling you what you want to hear. All the speeches and all the public appearances are all scripted. You want to know what the candidates really think get them out in public and off the prompter and away from the handlers. Both McCain and Obama have been caught expressing thoughts better left unsaid while speaking off the cuff. The latest of course was Obama and "Joe the Plumber".

So I don't care if Mrs Palin bought the clothes or if the party bought them for her. I don't really care if she keeps them or not. I don't care what Michelle Obama is eating. I don't even care. So enough of the crap. Let's get back to the issues that 'We the People' need to make a decision on November 4th.

There is is...short and sweet.

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