Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Do we finally get it?

I have been away for far too long. The move to Mississippi is completed and it is high time I get my fat ass in gear and get back to blogging. Many have to me how much they enjoyed reading my morning rant. So it is for those friends that I pick this back up and get back to it.

Do you think we finally get it?

All the talking heads and politicians are going around affixing blame to why the bail out bill failed in the House of Representatives. It was because of Ms. Pelosi's statement right before the vote. Please! It was because Ms. Pelosi couldn't bring the votes in from her own party. Please!!

You want to know why this bill failed in the House. You can ask any of my friends who were in the Dog House on Monday on NowLive ( I said it that night. It was the American people who sank that bill. Not Nancy Pelosi or any other politician. "WE THE PEOPLE" DID IT!!!!!!

Much like the Dubai Port deal that got defeated in 2007, it was the American people. We actually told congress what to do and change the course of a vote in congress.

So do we finally get it? Do we finally get the fact that "We the people" can actually make a difference? Do we now see that if we take an active role in government that we can take back what is rightfully ours, control of the government of the United States. Most of those currently in congress think that the American people are sleeping. We aren't paying any attention so they can do as they like. This means all of them. Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Moderate or Independent. All of those elected to congress felt that the American people didn't care. We have put up with the lying, the cheating, the finger pointing and all of the other bullshit for so long that we just don't care. Apparently they were wrong. Apparently "We the People" do care and are paying attention. Or at least we are now.

"We the people" sat back and let congress (note...I did not say democrats or republicans) take this country into the toilet and we did nothing. We blame the current president, no matter what party he is affiliated with, for all the countries woes. Are we finally learning that it is congress that writes the checks and passes the laws? Are we finally starting to hold congress accountable for its part in the state we find ourselves in today? I can only hope.

How many people realize that the entire House of Representatives is up for re-election this November? All 435 members of the House are worried about their jobs. We not all. Some are running unopposed or are essentially unchallenged for their seat in congress. Folks let me tell you that this is a shame!! Everyone of those bastards should fear for their job every election. But "We the People" give them a pass. We see them investigated and indited. We see them cheat us and lie. We see just how inept they are at leading this country and we give them a pass.

Oh hell no!!! Wake up folks!!! It is high time that "We the People" take back the government that is supposed to be ours. IT IS OURS!!!! IT IS NOT THEIRS!!!!

About a month ago there was a new show that started on NowLive called Red Neck Radio News. It is on several websites with Nowlive being the flagship. For over a month we have been calling on "We the People" to vote every incumbent in congress out of office the next time they are up for re-election. We can make a start this November by voting out all 435 members of the House of Representatives.

How many members of the House have you seen on TV since the bail out went down on Monday saying that they fear losing their jobs. How many of us live with this fear everyday because of their mismanagement of the country. Remember, congress has more to do with the jobless rate then the president does. Playing with taxes, NAFTA, stifling government regulations. Congress passes tax legislation. Congress ratifies treaties. Congress passes laws and regulations. How much do all of these things affect the unemployment in this country?

Oh...and congress is also the ones that have the ability to take this country to war. But they gave that power that was afforded only them in the constitution and handed it over to the president.

So have we learned? Do we finally get it? The government is "We the People" and it is time we take it back.

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