Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are You Serious?

First off, let me start by giving full disclosure.

I am a conservative. I have listened to Rush Limbaugh and do like some of his views. I also subscribe the Limbaugh Letter and Rush 24/7.

This country is in a fix right now. Jobs are being lost and families are losing their homes and their lives. In California right now the latest thing seems to be to kill your wife and kids when you loose your job. That has happened three times recently.

So while the House and Senate look to pass the new stimulus package what else is being done? Well it seems that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has launched an online petition to express outrage at conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh for saying he wanted President Obama to "fail."

Are you kidding me?

First of all, Mr. Limbaugh is NOT a politician. He is a radio talk show host and his job is to create controversy so he can get listeners. He apparently has a lot of them. As I said I have listened to Mr. Limbaugh in the past. My work schedule does not allow the time to listen to him now. I do agree with a lot of Mr. Limbaugh views. I do believe in less government. I do believe in lower taxes and a reduction, or at least a revamping, of some of the entitlement programs the government offers. I DO NOT believe that I would like to see President Obama fail. I DO NOT want to see the situation in this country get worse just to see a conservative/republican voted into office. ANY OFFICE. President...Senate...House...State...ANY OFFICE. To see this country get worse will hurt to many Americans in the long run. We cannot afford that.

So I say support the president. But is there is an area where you feel that President Obama's plans are not in the best interest of the country you need to let him know and your other elected officials no.

No to those in the democrat party that want to go after Rush Limbaugh. First, get back to running the country and leave him alone. All you are doing is playing right into his hand and making his listening base stronger.

Second, look back at how the democrat party as a whole treated former President Bush. You may not have said; "We want him to fail" but you certainly did everything imaginable to see that happen. Actions speak louder than words and your actions speak volumes. Add to this the fact that Mr. Limbaugh cannot vote on one bill or pass any legislation. In short, all he can do is talk. So he can say he wants President Obama to fail but you folks have the office to carry it out and you did to President Bush. That is what the opposing party is supposed to do after all.

Next, stop this crap of going after former President Bush and any of his administration. I have said it before and I will say it again, your candidate for president promised change. WE THE PEOPLE voted for that change. You all had better get on board with it or you will dome you reign to be very short lived. You might even help Rush Limbaugh succeed.

The choice is yours.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Score One for Obama

I did not vote for President Obama. But, as I have said, he is my president. And when he does something that I think is right I will certainly say so. Here we go with example number one.

If you have kept up with all the hype surrounding the expected stimulus package currently making its way through congress you know that there is a bunch of stuff in that bill that has n0thing to do with creating jobs or helping out the current financial crisis. There was actually money in that bill, over $200 million, for birth control. Yep, you heard it right, over$200 million for condoms and other forms of birth control.

Well, President Obama called the democrat leadership in the House and gave them a big "hell no" and that has been pulled from the bill. The president told them that it had nothing to do with economic stimulus and needed to be axed. The leadership complied and the condom money has been cut.

Well now we hear that there is approximately $4.19 BILLION for "neighborhood stabilization activities." While the original wording in the bill would have sent this money strictly to the state and local governments, the wording has been changed to include non-profit entities.

Now how is the hell does this have anything to do with economic stimulus? I know that the states and local governments are feeling the pinch. Hell we all are. But too much money has already been given out to the banks and the auto makers with no oversight as to what the money is being used for. So now we give it to the states where we have no oversight as to what it is being used for. Not to mention giving it to non-profit organizations. Some, like ACORN, are about as shady as some of the banks. Some of them, like ACORN, are also under federal investigation for fraud and other charges.

If this stimulus money makes its way to ACORN, some are going to see this as the democrats "giving back" to the organization that helped get Obama (and others) elected. Now that may or may not be a fair assessment. But it is one that will be made non the less. And I don't think even the look of "politics as usual" is what President Obama needs right now.

So President Obama, its time to pick up that phone again and give ole Nancy a call.

Might not be a bad idea for WE THE PEOPLE (that means us) to call our representatives in the House and tell them the same thing.

Don't know how to contact your representatives? Just use the link below and click on your state.

Tell them, and Obama, that we were promised change.

Friday, January 23, 2009

The First of Many

Well did you hear the news?

Yesterday President Obama went in to the White House press room to say howdy to all the members of the White House press corps. While coming in to play meet and greet a reporter from the Politico did a surprise attack on the President and actually had the nerve to ask a question.

First, President Obama get used to it. You are now the President and along with that comes something you might have never expected. Your are no longer allowed to be "just an everyday Joe". Every where you go you are going to be asked questions by reporters, your staff and everyday citizens. Get used to it. It comes with the job.

Second, I think all the media should read my blog from yesterday. The man is new to the job. Take a few steps back and let him catch his breath. You don't need to hound the man every time he walks by. Besides, you might want to remember that old adage you catch more flies with honey.

Now as far as the question President Obama was asked I think it was a fair one. He has promised, in his campaign and now via Executive Order, that there is going to be more transparency in his administration. President Obama has also tried to put the brakes on the lobbyists with access to the White House staff. As I said yesterday I praise these moves and hope he is serious.

But when you select a lobbyist for a key defense department position and you get questioned on it by a reporter and respond as you did, that will lead to headlines that basically say that it is all lip service. Which is what you got from some news outlets.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Okay people, step away from the news and take a deep breath. Hold it. Now exhale slowly.

What is wrong with WE THE PEOPLE in this country?

First of all you had people saying that Obama wasn't president because he didn't say the oath properly. Oh come on. Do some of you folks just sit around and look for reasons and excuses to say that President Obama isn't really the president? He wasn't born in the US so he doesn't meet the requirements of the Constitution. He did say the oath correctly. Which, by the way, was more a problem on Judge Roberts' part than the Presidents.

Now there are news reports about "confusion" in the Obama Administration. WELL DAH!!! None of these people have ever done this before you idiots. This is all new to them.

Can you people on the conservative side of the isle just stop and listen to yourselves. Please!

You used to complain about all the things liberals came up with about Bush. So is this tit-for-tat or are you just as anal as some of them were.

Oh...and in case you didn't know President Obama did redo the oath of office so there.

Now to the other side of the coin. He has only been TWO WHOLE DAYS. All that has been done is a couple of Executive Orders. Now while I will admit to liking most of those orders (if not all) it is only Executive Orders!! They do not require any input from the House or Senate nor the Judiciary. He is stating how is administration is going to operate. Before we go off all "willie-nillie" as a friend of mine would say let's slow down a bit.

Conservatives...give the man a chance. If you don't like his plan for the country then rip the plan not the man. Oh...and as an aside if you want to rip any plan that the Obama Administration puts forward just remember how it felt when the liberals were blasting Bush for his plans yet not offering any ideas of their own. Rip the plan sure, but offer alternatives.

Liberals...this is not the second coming. Obama is not the messiah. He is like each and everyone of us he is a man pure and simple. It might well be wise for all of you to take a deep breath and let the man do his job instead of waiting for the miracle to happen. Give the President some breathing room ya'll. Let him catch his breath and get his programs started.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Now it begins

Now it begins for President Obama.

The parties are over and he has spent his first night in the White House. I hope he and Michele got a chance to "git-r-done" in the oval office before they hit the sack last night. I have a feeling that the opportunities for the President and the First-Lady are about to become few and far between.

I also hope that the President's hangover is not too severe this morning. I can well imagine that Mr. Bush might be a little on the peeked side this morning. I know if I were in his place and just got out of that job I would go on a binder that might last a month.

So all the best Mr. President.

And for all the liberals out there, Bush was not able to lay any of his problems at the feet of Mr. Clinton. So the problems and all that happens are now President Obama's. You want to get your panties in a bunch now you can blame it all on the man in the White House. You seem to know how to do that well enough. Or at least you have for the past 8 years.

Good luck and may God be with you President Obama. I will be praying for you and your family.

Thank you former President George W. Bush for keeping us safe since 9-11. I pray for you and Laura as you enter private life.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


For all those that are members of Myspace, did you see the announcement on your Myspace home page?

Well here it is. Take a read would ya.

Hey guys—Today's Presidential Inauguration is going to be one of the biggest historical events in our nation's history and you can watch it live on MySpace Impact starting at 8:30 am PT/ 11:30 am ET. Also, yesterday we launched the Presidential Pledge project encouraging celebrities to record a pledge of service to President-elect Barack Obama. More than 50 celebrities document their pledges to our new President—check out the video and create your own video at

Now in theory I should have no problem with a statement like this. Except the fact that every American should offer support to every president. That includes Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and yes George Bush (both).

Now I was not around Myspace 4 years ago when president Bush took his second oath of office. But I would be willing to bet that Myspace (if it were around) had any such announcement as this for George Bush. I would bet that Myspace didn't ask anyone to pledge anything to Bush. There in with me lies the problem.

If the polls are correct, WE THE PEOPLE, are fed up with partisan politics in America. We are tired of the fighting between the democrats and the republicans. let me ask you this. How many of you who call yourselves conservatives were just tickled to death when president Clinton was impeached? Now answer truthfully. I'll admit that I was. I don't like people who lie and Clinton was great at it.

Now how many of you so called conservatives were just totally pissed when Clinton wasn't convicted and removed from office?

Okay liberals...your turn.

How many of you want Pelosi and congress to go after Bush and Cheney and put them in jail? Again, be honest. Would it make you happy to see them in jail?

If we cannot stop fighting amongst ourselves in the political realm how can we ever expect our elected officials to do the same?

This is not to say that we shouldn't disagree. Far from it. It is in dialogue that we grow and that things truly get fixed and things move forward.

But there is a difference between dialogue and hatred. There is a difference between discussion and revenge.

WE THE PEOPLE need to support every president that serves. Democrat or republican it doesn't matter. No president cannot be successful without the support of all Americans.

Again, I am not saying that we need to walk in lock step with President Obama. But he does need and deserve our support and our prayers. I know that is an easy thing to do when the person in office is the one you wanted. But, in fact that should not matter.

Think about it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Now I'm Pissed

Want to get pissed right along with me. Here is a wonderful article that I found about service men and women returning from deployment overseas. This is from the Demoines Register.

Read it and see what you think.

Now ain't that some shit. People get sent overseas by our country and come home to bullshit like this. Not one of our returning soldiers should have an issue when they come back. But we have become a country that doesn't give a damn about laws much less common decency.

We see the money being spent on the inauguration of a new president while we see people losing their homes and kids not being fed. There are people who say that this money is not taxpayer dollars. We all know that is just pure crap. If these people can raise all that money to run a campaign to win the office let them go out and raise money themselves to pay for this stuff. Including the security for speakers and the new president.

This country is going in the toilet and we are just sitting on our collective asses and watching it. Look at the shit we have let congress get away with. The financial and auto bail outs. Look at how much money we have thrown down the crapper.

Now don't get me wrong...I DO NOT blame Obama for this. Let's face it, this crap has been going on forever and will continue as long as WE THE PEOPLE (remember that) continue to let it. But at the same time all I heard from Mr. Obama (he ain't the president yet) is CHANGE. Well what the hell has changed. We are still spending money we ain't got and with those bozo's in the house and senate that ain't a gonna change any time soon.

You see if I were Mr. Obama, I would just tell everyone to have a party if they want to. I on the other hand will be there to take my oath of office and once that is done I will go to that new house I moved into and have a beer and a pizza. Might even smoke a cigarette afterwards.

If we are for change, and I think we all are, then we should demand change. Not the same old BS. Just like have you heard that Ms Pelosi has said that they might "have to" prosecute ole George and Dick. Have to my ass. If that is the case madam speaker, then you had better get your own house in order first and investigate how you chicken bastards in congress voted to give your right to declare war to the president instead of exercising it yourselves. Investigate that. Take some damned responsibility for your own crap. Don't just demand that others take responsibility for theirs. I got a little off topic. But I am fed up.

To all you folks in Washington, D.C., who are there for the party. Have a good time. But please don't whine about your financial situation because you spent all that money on transportation, hotels and meals. And don't complain to me if things don't change the way you think they should. Complain to those that need to hear the complaints. The elected members of the House of Representatives and the Senate and the new president who will be sworn in tomorrow.

And if you know of a soldier returning from active duty who has lost their job because their employer is an asshole, please get the word out about these employers. Lets protect those who protect us.