Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's Over is over. Around the country this morning some are continuing the celebration while others cry in their beer. Another election day has come and gone.

First...may I congratulate Barack Obama on his victory. No, this is not who I voted for. But as I have said many times in this blog he will soon be my president. I will support and defend him. Does that mean I will agree with every decision he makes? Oh hell no!! But I will not sit by while people call him names or demean him. Now I just wish a few of my friends could learn the same trait.

And while I am on the subject to those friends...and you know who you are...who always blamed everything on Bush and not on past administrations or the congress...just remember that stops when Obama is takes office on January 20, 2009. The countries problems will then be on his shoulders. If the blame for all this countries woes rests at the foot of George Bush then so will all the blame for the problems in 2009 and beyond. I don't want to hear any BS about what the prior administration did or didn't do. Also, if Obama does not pull the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan it is no longer Mr. Bush's war. It becomes Mr. Obama's war.

Next...I figure the lawsuits will start today. Obama doesn't meet the constitutional requirements, voting irregularities. May I just say let it go people. It is time for this nation to get back together. If we want the politicians to stop the partisan politics then it is high time that we stop it.

There is one thing that I am very disappointed in and that in the winners in congress. Folks...congress had the lowest approval rating in history and yet we allowed the incumbents to be re-elected. Well there is always 2010!!!

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