Friday, November 7, 2008

He's Back

He's Back!!

Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. is back in front of the cameras now that the election is over and he appears to be none to happy.

It seems that the media is now being blamed for being "weapons of mass destruction" because the coverage of Rev. Wright and his views were attempting to derail Obama's hopes for the presidency and severed the long time relationship between himself and Barack Obama.

I have a clue for Rev was not the media who was a weapon of mass destruction. It is you sir that are a weapon of mass destruction to the ideas of equality in this country which you crave so much.

Has America been a racist country? You bet. Have we made strides in trying to overcome these issues? You bet. Does someone going around proclaiming "God Damn America" for any reason help that cause? Absolutely not! Does someone proclaiming that HIV was a disease brought forth by the US Government to kill blacks help the cause of equality? Oh hell no!!!

It is time for some inner searching Pastor Wright.

I am white...but I would never stay in a church that said anything the likes of what has been said in you service Mr. Wright. Not just in sermons but in church literature. Now had this only been reported on Fox News I might be able to find some reasonable doubt. But when the same things are shown and said on CNN...NBC...MSNBC...etc, it is clear that it is not just a case that we might have misunderstood. You sir are a racist yourself and in my opinion sir you need to get back into the Bible and look into your stance. I believe Jesus preached a sermon of love sir.

Not to mention...had these same principals that you put forth have been stated by Senator McCain's pastor...Jessie, Al and yourself would have been in for forefront DEMANDING that McCain throw his pastor under the bus.

You got what you deserved Mr. Wright. Just as clearly as Don Imus and others who have used racial epitaphs. They were racist sir and so are you.

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