Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hey Jimmie...stay the hell home

What ever happened to the days when ex-presidents went home to build their library and collect those enormously large speaker fees?

Oh how I long for those days.

Now I want to warn all readers of this blog that my language might be a little more...ummm...harsh than normal. Well I am just sick to EX-president Jimmy Carter and all his bullshit. Mr. Carter it is time for you to get you punk ass back to fucking Georgia and fuckin stay there.

Do you think that is clear enough or do I need to make it a little stronger?

I am a person who typically says that we are to respect our current and former presidents. You may not like them...but they ARE to be respected. You may not like George W Bush...but he IS the president and should be afforded respect.

I am having a very difficult time affording any respect to FORMER president Carter who seems to think that his ass is sitting in the chair in the oval office making decisions and getting sexual favors from interns.

You know what FORMER president Carter, I don't give a rats ass who said what to you about you little trip to see the leader of Hamas. You hear me...I don't fuckin care!!!! I don't care if the US put a big sign on the World Trade Centers with a bulls eye that says "Fly Plane Here"!!!! The simple fact of the matter is that these are kin to the people that setup that little stunt and are currently involved with the shooting of RPG's and rockets into Israel. The current administration has stated time and time again that we will not deal with Hamas. Is there some part of that simple statement that your peanut brain cannot figure out. Being a private citizen does not give you, in my opinion, the right to go off and act like an ass. To go and do things that you know are against the current policy of this administration and then play it off to the old "well nobody told me".

As much as you run your mouth sir I would think you actually read the fucking newspapers and/or listen to the news. Now I'm not sure that you don't qualify for the new No Child Left Behind series called Dr. Seuss Gives You the News.

You know FORMER president Carter, you had your 4 years in the sun. Why not do what all ex-presidents have done before you. Go back your library...collect speakers fees and go quietly into the sunset.

I mean damn Jimmy, get some fuckin class will ya!!! Go build the homes for humanity like you were doing. That is a noble cause for a FORMER president.

But for God's sake please just shut the fuck up!!!!

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