Monday, January 19, 2009

Now I'm Pissed

Want to get pissed right along with me. Here is a wonderful article that I found about service men and women returning from deployment overseas. This is from the Demoines Register.

Read it and see what you think.

Now ain't that some shit. People get sent overseas by our country and come home to bullshit like this. Not one of our returning soldiers should have an issue when they come back. But we have become a country that doesn't give a damn about laws much less common decency.

We see the money being spent on the inauguration of a new president while we see people losing their homes and kids not being fed. There are people who say that this money is not taxpayer dollars. We all know that is just pure crap. If these people can raise all that money to run a campaign to win the office let them go out and raise money themselves to pay for this stuff. Including the security for speakers and the new president.

This country is going in the toilet and we are just sitting on our collective asses and watching it. Look at the shit we have let congress get away with. The financial and auto bail outs. Look at how much money we have thrown down the crapper.

Now don't get me wrong...I DO NOT blame Obama for this. Let's face it, this crap has been going on forever and will continue as long as WE THE PEOPLE (remember that) continue to let it. But at the same time all I heard from Mr. Obama (he ain't the president yet) is CHANGE. Well what the hell has changed. We are still spending money we ain't got and with those bozo's in the house and senate that ain't a gonna change any time soon.

You see if I were Mr. Obama, I would just tell everyone to have a party if they want to. I on the other hand will be there to take my oath of office and once that is done I will go to that new house I moved into and have a beer and a pizza. Might even smoke a cigarette afterwards.

If we are for change, and I think we all are, then we should demand change. Not the same old BS. Just like have you heard that Ms Pelosi has said that they might "have to" prosecute ole George and Dick. Have to my ass. If that is the case madam speaker, then you had better get your own house in order first and investigate how you chicken bastards in congress voted to give your right to declare war to the president instead of exercising it yourselves. Investigate that. Take some damned responsibility for your own crap. Don't just demand that others take responsibility for theirs. I got a little off topic. But I am fed up.

To all you folks in Washington, D.C., who are there for the party. Have a good time. But please don't whine about your financial situation because you spent all that money on transportation, hotels and meals. And don't complain to me if things don't change the way you think they should. Complain to those that need to hear the complaints. The elected members of the House of Representatives and the Senate and the new president who will be sworn in tomorrow.

And if you know of a soldier returning from active duty who has lost their job because their employer is an asshole, please get the word out about these employers. Lets protect those who protect us.

1 comment:

Eboe said...

I'm pissed now too! I even cried reading that article. That is disgraceful. The military puts their life on their line for you, and you can't even promise them a job in return. Assholes.