Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Score One for Obama

I did not vote for President Obama. But, as I have said, he is my president. And when he does something that I think is right I will certainly say so. Here we go with example number one.

If you have kept up with all the hype surrounding the expected stimulus package currently making its way through congress you know that there is a bunch of stuff in that bill that has n0thing to do with creating jobs or helping out the current financial crisis. There was actually money in that bill, over $200 million, for birth control. Yep, you heard it right, over$200 million for condoms and other forms of birth control.

Well, President Obama called the democrat leadership in the House and gave them a big "hell no" and that has been pulled from the bill. The president told them that it had nothing to do with economic stimulus and needed to be axed. The leadership complied and the condom money has been cut.

Well now we hear that there is approximately $4.19 BILLION for "neighborhood stabilization activities." While the original wording in the bill would have sent this money strictly to the state and local governments, the wording has been changed to include non-profit entities.

Now how is the hell does this have anything to do with economic stimulus? I know that the states and local governments are feeling the pinch. Hell we all are. But too much money has already been given out to the banks and the auto makers with no oversight as to what the money is being used for. So now we give it to the states where we have no oversight as to what it is being used for. Not to mention giving it to non-profit organizations. Some, like ACORN, are about as shady as some of the banks. Some of them, like ACORN, are also under federal investigation for fraud and other charges.

If this stimulus money makes its way to ACORN, some are going to see this as the democrats "giving back" to the organization that helped get Obama (and others) elected. Now that may or may not be a fair assessment. But it is one that will be made non the less. And I don't think even the look of "politics as usual" is what President Obama needs right now.

So President Obama, its time to pick up that phone again and give ole Nancy a call.

Might not be a bad idea for WE THE PEOPLE (that means us) to call our representatives in the House and tell them the same thing.

Don't know how to contact your representatives? Just use the link below and click on your state.


Tell them, and Obama, that we were promised change.

1 comment:

Eboe said...

Fucking ACORN. I'd rather give money for condoms and birth control than ACORN