Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Battle Hymn of the Republic

I lived in New Jersey for 22 years. For at least 15 of those years on each Memorial Day I stood with my Choir in Trinity United Methodist Church of Pennsville and sang one of the greatest hymns ever written. The Battle Hymn of the Republic by Ju­lia W. Howe.

While there are many arrangements of this hymn out there, the one most generally sung and recognized is the arrangement by Peter Wilhousty. This is the arrangement we did at Trinity.

I also had the pleasure to hear my kids sing that arrangement in high school at several concerts.

Over the years of performing this music in our choir it has become a very meaningful hymn to me. In this age of political correctness and taking God out of our schools, I wonder if we will ever hear this piece of music performed by a school choir.

Well, this morning as I read my email, I got a surprise. I have listened to it (and sung along with it) probably 6 times. I have not been able to get the tears out of my eyes for over 30 minutes.

The presentation does not say what school system this is from. I wish it did. So I could write to them and tell them how much hearing this has meant to me.

So here is an elementary school choir joined by 4 high school choirs as they sing The Battle Hymn of the Republic as arranged by Peter Wilhousky.

Note: If the link does not come through please copy the address and place it in your browser.

God is not out of our public schools completely!!!

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