Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are You Serious?

First off, let me start by giving full disclosure.

I am a conservative. I have listened to Rush Limbaugh and do like some of his views. I also subscribe the Limbaugh Letter and Rush 24/7.

This country is in a fix right now. Jobs are being lost and families are losing their homes and their lives. In California right now the latest thing seems to be to kill your wife and kids when you loose your job. That has happened three times recently.

So while the House and Senate look to pass the new stimulus package what else is being done? Well it seems that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has launched an online petition to express outrage at conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh for saying he wanted President Obama to "fail."

Are you kidding me?

First of all, Mr. Limbaugh is NOT a politician. He is a radio talk show host and his job is to create controversy so he can get listeners. He apparently has a lot of them. As I said I have listened to Mr. Limbaugh in the past. My work schedule does not allow the time to listen to him now. I do agree with a lot of Mr. Limbaugh views. I do believe in less government. I do believe in lower taxes and a reduction, or at least a revamping, of some of the entitlement programs the government offers. I DO NOT believe that I would like to see President Obama fail. I DO NOT want to see the situation in this country get worse just to see a conservative/republican voted into office. ANY OFFICE. President...Senate...House...State...ANY OFFICE. To see this country get worse will hurt to many Americans in the long run. We cannot afford that.

So I say support the president. But is there is an area where you feel that President Obama's plans are not in the best interest of the country you need to let him know and your other elected officials no.

No to those in the democrat party that want to go after Rush Limbaugh. First, get back to running the country and leave him alone. All you are doing is playing right into his hand and making his listening base stronger.

Second, look back at how the democrat party as a whole treated former President Bush. You may not have said; "We want him to fail" but you certainly did everything imaginable to see that happen. Actions speak louder than words and your actions speak volumes. Add to this the fact that Mr. Limbaugh cannot vote on one bill or pass any legislation. In short, all he can do is talk. So he can say he wants President Obama to fail but you folks have the office to carry it out and you did to President Bush. That is what the opposing party is supposed to do after all.

Next, stop this crap of going after former President Bush and any of his administration. I have said it before and I will say it again, your candidate for president promised change. WE THE PEOPLE voted for that change. You all had better get on board with it or you will dome you reign to be very short lived. You might even help Rush Limbaugh succeed.

The choice is yours.

1 comment:

Eboe said...

Rush can be an idiot. I'm not saying I like the guy or anything he says, because I just can't stand him. But all you need to do is ignore him. Rush isn't anybody of importance, like you said. He has no power over this country, and if the Democrats want to waste their time doing stupid shit, then fine.

I don't want Obama to fail, sure I don't fully like or trust the guy, but I don't because he is my President.