Tuesday, January 20, 2009


For all those that are members of Myspace, did you see the announcement on your Myspace home page?

Well here it is. Take a read would ya.

Hey guys—Today's Presidential Inauguration is going to be one of the biggest historical events in our nation's history and you can watch it live on MySpace Impact starting at 8:30 am PT/ 11:30 am ET. Also, yesterday we launched the Presidential Pledge project encouraging celebrities to record a pledge of service to President-elect Barack Obama. More than 50 celebrities document their pledges to our new President—check out the video and create your own video at www.myspace.com/presidentialpledge.

Now in theory I should have no problem with a statement like this. Except the fact that every American should offer support to every president. That includes Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and yes George Bush (both).

Now I was not around Myspace 4 years ago when president Bush took his second oath of office. But I would be willing to bet that Myspace (if it were around) had any such announcement as this for George Bush. I would bet that Myspace didn't ask anyone to pledge anything to Bush. There in with me lies the problem.

If the polls are correct, WE THE PEOPLE, are fed up with partisan politics in America. We are tired of the fighting between the democrats and the republicans.

Okay...so let me ask you this. How many of you who call yourselves conservatives were just tickled to death when president Clinton was impeached? Now answer truthfully. I'll admit that I was. I don't like people who lie and Clinton was great at it.

Now how many of you so called conservatives were just totally pissed when Clinton wasn't convicted and removed from office?

Okay liberals...your turn.

How many of you want Pelosi and congress to go after Bush and Cheney and put them in jail? Again, be honest. Would it make you happy to see them in jail?

If we cannot stop fighting amongst ourselves in the political realm how can we ever expect our elected officials to do the same?

This is not to say that we shouldn't disagree. Far from it. It is in dialogue that we grow and that things truly get fixed and things move forward.

But there is a difference between dialogue and hatred. There is a difference between discussion and revenge.

WE THE PEOPLE need to support every president that serves. Democrat or republican it doesn't matter. No president cannot be successful without the support of all Americans.

Again, I am not saying that we need to walk in lock step with President Obama. But he does need and deserve our support and our prayers. I know that is an easy thing to do when the person in office is the one you wanted. But, in fact that should not matter.

Think about it.

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