Thursday, January 22, 2009


Okay people, step away from the news and take a deep breath. Hold it. Now exhale slowly.

What is wrong with WE THE PEOPLE in this country?

First of all you had people saying that Obama wasn't president because he didn't say the oath properly. Oh come on. Do some of you folks just sit around and look for reasons and excuses to say that President Obama isn't really the president? He wasn't born in the US so he doesn't meet the requirements of the Constitution. He did say the oath correctly. Which, by the way, was more a problem on Judge Roberts' part than the Presidents.

Now there are news reports about "confusion" in the Obama Administration. WELL DAH!!! None of these people have ever done this before you idiots. This is all new to them.

Can you people on the conservative side of the isle just stop and listen to yourselves. Please!

You used to complain about all the things liberals came up with about Bush. So is this tit-for-tat or are you just as anal as some of them were.

Oh...and in case you didn't know President Obama did redo the oath of office so there.

Now to the other side of the coin. He has only been TWO WHOLE DAYS. All that has been done is a couple of Executive Orders. Now while I will admit to liking most of those orders (if not all) it is only Executive Orders!! They do not require any input from the House or Senate nor the Judiciary. He is stating how is administration is going to operate. Before we go off all "willie-nillie" as a friend of mine would say let's slow down a bit.

Conservatives...give the man a chance. If you don't like his plan for the country then rip the plan not the man. Oh...and as an aside if you want to rip any plan that the Obama Administration puts forward just remember how it felt when the liberals were blasting Bush for his plans yet not offering any ideas of their own. Rip the plan sure, but offer alternatives.

Liberals...this is not the second coming. Obama is not the messiah. He is like each and everyone of us he is a man pure and simple. It might well be wise for all of you to take a deep breath and let the man do his job instead of waiting for the miracle to happen. Give the President some breathing room ya'll. Let him catch his breath and get his programs started.

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