Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It happens every June

I love baseball movies. There are several that I watch each spring before the season starts. Major League, Field of Dreams and Bull Durham just to name a few.

There is one old classic called It Happens Every Spring where a college chemistry professor ends up with a concoction that is repelled by wood. Great movie.

Now we have something that happens every June. People cheering for a friend or family member as their name is announced at high school graduation. The only problem is that in some places that will get you hauled off in handcuffs.

Case in point, Columbia, South Carolina where seven people were arrested for disorderly conduct because they were whooping it up for someone at a high school graduation.

This is one where it is easy to see both sides of the story.

Some parent is taking a video of the graduation of their only child and as the kids name is announced there is a group of people yelling so loud for Brittany (pick the name of your choice) that you cannot even hear the kids name being called. That opportunity will never present itself again. It is lost forever simply because some folks cannot control themselves and act like considerate human beings.

Then there are the parents of a young lady who got pregnant in her junior year. With the help of the school system and her family she graduated with her class. Well you can bet your ass that I yelled as my daughter walked across that stage and got her diploma. Yes...that was my daughter. Now I didn't go nuts with it...but I (okay...we) did give a victory yell.

Schools are now sending home letters that explain a code of conduct that people are expected to follow during the commencement ceremonies. The people who were hauled off in handcuffs complained that nothing said they could get arrested. Okay...what did they promise you? A pat on the ass?

Now when my kids graduated from high school the biggest offender of the proper decorum edict were the kids themselves. Often under class man cheering for their friends. But the adults are starting to get in on the act. I guess we all just want to act like kids.

But shouldn't there be a happy medium? Shouldn't we be allowed to cheer for friends and family? But shouldn't we also, as adults, be able to control ourselves a little?

Dragging someone of in handcuffs for cheering seems to be a bit much. Maybe just have the police walk around and hand out $200 shut the hell up tickets!!

That is my opinion. What is yours?

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