Sunday, June 1, 2008

I have had enough!!

Okay...time for a rare Sunday blog.

Another pastoral mess for Barack Obama. What is up with these pastors.

The pastors I have met in my life have all been humble people on an assignment from God. The bring the lost home. To bring people to Jesus Christ.

Well between a lot of the TV evangelists and all this stuff at Obama's church it seems that these ministers have lost site of that assignment. It now seems to be about themselves instead of being about Christ!!

In my life I have officiated in several sports. Baseball, basketball, hockey and soccer we the main ones. When I went through the training for all the sports I officiated the one underlying message that was the same for all of them was that the official don't matter. The game, whatever the game is, is about the players. If you officiated a sporting event and no one remembers your name...then you have done a great job.

It is supposed to be that way for ministers. The only one that gets the glory is Jesus Christ. Not the minister...the Savior!!! Period.

But sometimes the ego gets the best of us. Even ministers can get caught up in ego and self. We are all human and we make mistakes.

But with these ministers is seems to go beyond that. When confronted with the fact that their ego has gotten in the way it just makes it all the more about them. Instead of admitting that they got "caught up in the moment" and sinned, the excuses start flying. Oh...they just to what I said out of context. Oh...they just couldn't understand the deeper meaning I was trying to relate. No pastors. You made this about you and your feelings and politics instead of about the Son of God. When you get like this you are no better than ministers like Rev Fred Phelps.

This ain't about you Rev Pfleger. It isn't about you Rev Wright. It isn't even about Barack Obama. Church is supposed to be about the deity that the church believes in. In this case, Jesus Christ.

That is what I think. How do you feel about it?

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