Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Leave it to Pelosi

I haven't blogged in quite a while. Work has been hectic and I have been so busy that I haven't had time.

Well, leave it to the current Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to get me to the point that I need to take extra blood pressure medication to keep from having a coronary.

Pelosi spoke to a group that included both legal, as well as, illegal aliens and said that the enforcement of existing immigration laws, as currently practiced, is "un-American."

Really. I think it is time for the wonderful people of California to say goodbye to Ms. Pelosi by kicking her butt out of office the next time the opportunity presents itself.

Excuse me but didn't she, with the rest of her colleagues in the House, take an oath to up hold the Constitution of the United States. Well Madam Speaker...that in my mind includes the laws that are in place to protect that document and all it stands for.

Please, doesn't the word ILLEGAL mean anything to you? I guess not with the way those in congress and the current administration seem to forget to live by it.

People complain about laws in this country all the time. I for one don't think that the current laws against prostitution and use of marijuana are worth the paper they are printed on and should be repealed. I tell my elected officials this and that is all I can do.

Ms. Pelosi however is the Speaker of the House. She can introduce legislation and even control how the bill flows through the House.

Ms. Speaker, if you don't like the current laws try something novel. Instead of calling them un-American try changing them. Instead of jumping all over ICE and law enforcement for enforcing the laws that YOU and the others in congress passed you might try to enact changes.

Go ahead Nancy...introduce a bill in the House of Representatives that changes the way the law looks at ILLEGAL aliens.

You won't because you know what would happen.

Here is the link to the article

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