If I were to make a list of every time a politician had back peddled on a statement made in public I would have a blog that would go on for pages. So let us just concentrate on the latest shall we.
Jim Cooper (D-TN) said in a recent interview that he got some quiet encouragement from the Obama Administration to vote against the stimulus bill that passed in the House last week. If you are living in a cave and haven't heard of this bill it has nearly 1 trillion dollars of of tax breaks and government spending aimed at stimulating the US economy into a recovery. To say that some of the spending is "pork" or "earmarks" would be putting it mildly. There was even $2 million in the bill originally for contraception. That was finally pulled when Speaker Polosi got hammered on it. But there is still a mess of spending in this bill that will do nothing to stimulate a damn thing.
But I digress. The main point here is that Mr. Cooper stated during an interview with Liberadio on Monday that he had received encouragement from the Obama Administration to vote against the stimulus package. Mr. Cooper was one of eleven democrats to vote against the measure. Yet yesterday Mr. Cooper came out and told us that was not what he said. He now states that he was encouraged by talks with the Obama administration over the stimulus bill.
Oh please!! How many of us actually believe that Mr. Cooper knew exactly what he was saying during that radio interview and is only changing his mind now that the proverbial shit has hit the proverbial fan. Now he wants us to believe that he was misunderstood. I bet it will be a cold day in hell before Mr. Cooper does another interview with any media outlet, liberal or conservative.
Why can't these people just tell the damned truth. Yeah, I was given encouragement to vote against the bill. Now if the Obama administration wants to go out there and say it never happened they can. But what kind of credibility does Mr. Cooper have when the story changes that much in two days?
Politicians live and die by their ability to give speeches and interviews. Let's be real here. President Obama won an election by preaching exactly what WE THE PEOPLE wanted in Washington...change. He never said what change nor did he lay out any programs. His message was simply change. I am not knocking it. That is the way politics works. I have said this before and I will say it again, the only way that there will ever be meaningful change in Washington is if WE THE PEOPLE do it by voting incumbents out of office. Obama may actually want meaningful change and has shown some of that in his Executive Orders. The only problem is he still has to deal with the "old guard" in both the House and the Senate.
Why would WE THE PEOPLE vote for a President who promises change and give him or her the same old ragtag band of people to deal with in the Congress?
So now we have Mr. Cooper back tracking on his statement and looking like a complete idiot. Tell it like it is Mr. Cooper, the wheels have come off the stimulus package. Even President Obama has admitted that it needs a lot of work that alone is justification to stand by your original statement.
Now tomorrow I will write a blog that says that this is not what I actually said. I will whine and cry about how my comments were taken out of context or that the true meaning was just completely misunderstood or just plain missed by us feeble minded people.
Hey it works for these assholes...why not for us?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
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