Thursday, November 6, 2008

Like a Child

Although I am not a scholar of the Bible I have spent some time studying it. Many people believe that the Bible is just an outdated book that has no relevance in today's world.

You see I disagree with that thinking. I think there are great lessons about life to be had if a person just spends the time reading the Bible.

For instance, look at the verses in Matthew 18:2-4

Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

These verses were brought to my mind this morning when a friend at work told me about his 7 month old granddaughter. He had attended a funeral of a very close family friend yesterday. While that is usually a very sorrowful time, he found great joy in the fact that his family were all together. Including the 7 month old granddaughter that thought the music provided by the organ was so beautiful that she should just sing along with it.

We need to be like that little baby. In the midst of sorrow and grief we need to find the way to put that all aside and just bask in the glory of it all.

There are many who are mad about the out come of the elections on Tuesday. Their candidate didn't win or there was an amendment or proposition up to be voted on and it didn't come out as we would have liked. We need to be like my friends 7 month old granddaughter and just let it all go and be happy.

Instead of protesting and looking for ways to change the vote or for some way to over turn the decision of the voters, we need to look the gracious God in heaven and just say thank you Lord that we are in a country where we have the right to vote for these things and not have them just thrust upon us by some dictator or ruling class.

Instead of looking for a way to subvert, overturn or change the outcome of the election so it goes in our favor we should be looking for ways to affect real change in the way things are.

Instead of turning to the courts to look for ways to overturn the results we don't like we should be looking for ways to work together for a way to change the minds of our fellow voters.

As soon as I heard that Obama had won the election I wanted someone to file a lawsuit or something that said he couldn't be president because he wasn't born in the US or couldn't get a proper security clearance because of his background. But I realized that would do nothing more then cause further division of an already divided country. The time for division is past folks. it is time for healing and if President Obama can bring us back together as a nation then I can deal with some of the down side. If nothing else he deserves the chance to do his best.

But while I say this I hope this sinks in to some of those who in the past didn't give a new president a chance. That would be those folks who things like "if so-n-so wins the election I am moving to where ever." Of course they never do move. That is because this is the greatest nation there is and they know it. It matters not whether there is a democrat or republican in the White House. It doesn't matter whether the republicans or democrats are in control of the House and/or Senate. This is still the greatest nation there is. If you feel all of that changes with the folks who are in office then maybe it is time that you leave and find some place else to live. Better an island some where and start your own country and see if you can do better.

One last point... Karl Rove was absolutely vilified by the media and a lot of people in this country. Did any of you hear him speak on Fox News yesterday? The great villain of the Bush Administration implored the people of this great nation to give President Obama a chance.

Mean while the sun is still shinning. The rain is still falling. The earth is still spinning. The world ain't come to an end. Accept the election results and get on with your lives. There is still much work to be done.

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