We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Do you remember those words? Some of us had to learn them in school growing up. We had to stand in front of the class and recite those immortal words from memory.
In 1972, I enlisted in the United States Navy to defend those words and all that they stand for.
Do you remember?
I think that there are 546 people in this country that don't remember. That is a president, vice president, 100 senators, the 435 members of congress and 9 members of the supreme court. Everyone of them a politician who has forgotten that the first three words of that document are WE THE PEOPLE. That is truly sad.
But there is something worse. I also think that there are 305 million US citizens that have also forgotten that the preamble starts with WE THE PEOPLE.
Don't believe me? Let's just look at the recent Mortgage Bailout bill passed in the House and Senate and signed by President Bush. The citizens of this great nation (and yes...it is a great nation) were over whelmingly against that bill becoming law. Yet the president, senate and house voted and signed that bill into law. Have you read the headlines lately? Have you seen the list of those that are wanting a piece of that pie? Banks, lenders, insurance companies and the auto makers just to name a few. And just in case you haven't heard who is fronting all that cash folks it's you and me. Every tax payer in this country is going to send money to help all those starving executives on Wall Street. Who by the way pay all those starving politicians on Capitol Hill.
I had an email sent to me recently that said that there should be a law passed so that politicians would have to wear uniforms like they do in NASCAR. You know with the names of all their corporate sponsors prominently displayed. Now wouldn't that be an idea!!
One of the party candidates for VP has said recently that it is our patriotic duty to pay more in taxes. Oh...and in case you were not aware that was Mr. Biden. Well Senator...how about the oath you took when you became a member of the Senate of these here United States. You remember? Let me remind you sir.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
Support and defend the Constitution. See those words sir. And what were the first three words of that document again...WE THE PEOPLE.
Gee...should I continue? Why the hell not.
How about you President Bush. Do you remember that oath of office that you so proudly recited...twice? Do you remember Mr. Bush? I think not when you signed that bail out bill into law. So let me refresh your memory sir.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
You see it matters not whether it is a democrat or republican. The oath is the same for all of them. To defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. That document that starts out with those three immortal words...WE THE PEOPLE.
You see folks it is not about them...it is about us. They are not the boss...we are. All of these politicians are worried about what is in it for them. In fact...we have become a society of "what is in it for me". Again look at the companies that are all lined up for a piece of the bail out pie. Look how fast cities and states and counties line up to get a piece of a federal pie. Look at all the fighting that took place after 9-11 when they all lined up for the government hand out. Gimme.
Look at the number of people that are sitting around and not working with their hands out. Gimme. And we refuse to secure our borders to stop the in flux of illegals...yes I said illegals. I said it because that is what they are folks. They are here ILLEGALLY. And they stick their hands out to Uncle Sam and say gimme. And we smile and fork it over.
Enough is enough people. Wake the hell up please. We have 8 days left until the election. EIGHT DAYS. Count them, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8.
Now to be honest at this point I could give a hoot who wins the presidency. If we can just turn over congress. If we can just change the members of the House of Representatives by 40 or 50%...it will send a wake up call to all of the politicians. It's time to let them know that we have woke up and we don't like what they have been doing to OUR country while we were sleeping. That will tell Mr. Obama that we are not going to sit still for tax increases. It will tell Mr. McCain that we want our troops home.
We can take it back people if we just wake up!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
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In the words of my generation, "Right On" Baby! I am so sick of this fricken election. Its been longer and uglier then the last two that wound up electing Bush. Its not going to end the day after the election either, its going to drag on with people challenging the results, no matter which one is elected. I am not happy with either candidate. I truly was going to vote for Obama, but then other things about him surfaced. And Biden is an ass. Pick on Palin, but I lived in NJ, which is right next to Deleware, and know a lot about Biden. He can't keep his mouth shut when he should, no better then Smokinbeaver. He should be whittling dick candles. I don't understand folks being so conserned about who is the Vice President either. Biden will be another Dan Quale. At least Sarah Palin is interesting, but why the worry about her becoming Pres.? Are they really thinking that McCaine will die from cancer if hes elected? I ain't worried about that. Has anyone thought what could happen if Obama was assasinated and Biden became president? Or is that an insider plan? I want to see a black president, our country is ready for that. Mr Obama is looking too green and not been in the Senate long enough to be ready. I don't like McCaine, so I am really stumped on who to chose. I hate this friggen election already. Its got us & friends all split apart disagreeing almost as bad as the Civil War. Help us Obiwan!
the thing is, its easier to point fingers and say someone else did it instead of taking responsability for your own actions. Bush did what he thought was best for the country, and unless he is not doing his job, so was Obama. So to say he is a bad president and everything he did was wrong, I do beleive Mr Obama is telling us he also is a failure, because he was in the senate that allowed all this to happen.
"Our government... teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. "
The above quote comes from Louis Brandeis, the first Jewish Supreme Court Justice. He was just sayin'.
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