Saturday, April 26, 2008


Foxnews has a story that is being reported out of Osceola County, Florida that a member of the county school board has told parents to stop spending money on their vices and spend the money on the school uniforms for their kids instead.

Needless to say this has kind of pissed off some of the parents that live in that county in Florida.

Now on one hand I agree with the parents. We are currently living in some very tough economic times. Maybe this county school board member is out of touch with current reality. The economic hardship just to drive to where said parents would have to buy the clothes could be excessive. But beyond that we have a member of the local government telling people how to spend their money. Hey smart ass!!! I have a suggestion for ya. Why don't you buy the clothes for the kids out of your pocket? You obviously are well paid for what little you do.

But there is another side to this story. This public school system requires kids to wear uniforms to school. Now why would that be? Could it be because parents could not or would not take responsibility for their kids attire?

Just like the United States Congress gave up their Constitutional power to declare war to President Bush, so too have parents given up their responsibilities concerning their kids to the government. And just like Congress now they want to cry and complain about decisions that are being made.

If parents would have taken an active role in making sure that the clothes that the kids wore to school were proper, the idea of uniforms would have never come up. Instead you have parents that send their children to school inappropriately dressed and then the school system takes over.

There is also the fact that some are better off than others and can afford nicer things. Thus we have the start of class envy and that leads to kids beating the hell out of one another over a pair of jeans or shoes.

There is always someone that is going to be better off than you are. Its just a fact and its a fact that we don't seem to keen on accepting. Some people feel that if the Jones' can buy the $200 pair of sneakers than their kid deserves them to. That, I hate to say, is just plain BS. It is just a fact of how life is and has been for decades. I had to put up with it. My kids had to put up with it and my grand kids are going to have to put up with it. Nothing the government does is going to change that so you might as well learn how to deal with it. In doing so you teach your kids how to do the same.

No, instead we want to keep this kind of stuff going. When I lived in New Jersey they actually have formal graduations from kindergarden and 5th grade. The 5th grade graduation actually came with a certificate. You should have seen some of the clothes that parents bought to dress their kids in. This was especially true for the little girls. We are talking expensive gowns. For what? Kindergarden? 5th grade? I have never heard anyone ask to see a 5th grade graduation certificate when applying for employment.

Then there are the extravagant trips that parents pay for when their kids graduate from High School. Then I think about what happened to that Halloway girl in Aruba and wonder if as parents we have lost our minds.

Come on parents...don't want to pay for uniforms...then show the county that you can control the kids attire and maybe then you can shop where I did...the Goodwill Store.

That is my opinion...what is yours?

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